Sunday, September 12, 2010

Subculture Proposal

This post should be at least one significant paragraph in length. It should include, at the very least, the following information:

1. A brief description of the subculture.
2. A brief rationale for why you are choosing this subculture. Why is it interesting to you?
3. Details regarding when, where, how often, and for how long this subculture meets. You also need to state exactly when (dates and times) you plan on observing this group.
4. Reassurance that you have received your parents' permission to observe this group. If your observation of the subculture will be conspicuous, you also need permission from at least one member of the subculture.
5. Questions you have about the subculture that you will attempt to answer. You should aim to have at least 7 insightful, thoughtful questions.

This assignment will be due Monday. It will be worth 20 points. 10 points will be awarded if all of the above information is provided thoroughly and thoughtfully. 10 points will be awarded for how well it is written (accurate diction, clear and concise writing, correct grammar, attention to top ten items, etc.).


  1. The subculture that I have chosen to do is the Pi Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. The Pi Omega Chapter is the local chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha in the Chattanooga area. I am in their 2010 debutante and this particular subculture interest me because I want to pledge Alpha Kappa Alpha when I go to college. This group of women meets every weekend, most of the times on Saturday and sometimes on Sunday. I plan on observing them at least September 18 at noon and September 19 at 7:30 pm and possibly the weekend after that. My mom and both the women of the Pi Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority think that it is a great idea for me to observe them. Seven insightful questions that I would like to answer is how they act with each other, how do they dress, what are their personalities like, do they have a lot of common interests, do they have a ritual that they do at every meeting, what are their main goals as a sorority and what kind of sorority are they as a whole.

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  3. The subculture I have chosen for my narrative is the Rollins family. I chose them because they are a very intriguing family. There are eight boys and one girl, they are homeschooled, and their interactions are often entertaining. Each weekday the same family members meet from eight in the morning until three thirty in the afternoon for school, and they also eat dinner together each night. My goal will be to observe them twice a week over the next two weeks, from Saturday at noon until Sunday at nine. This week, I obtained permission to observe them from both of the parents and also my own. Seven questions that I aim to answer by the end are: what are the common conversations they have, what type of interactions do the kids have with the parents, are there any daily “rituals” or “traditions” they practice, do they have any “inside jokes,” which of them have the most unique personalities, how do they interact, and which of them spend the most time together.

  4. For my subculture assignment, I want to study the GPS varsity soccer team. The soccer team is dedicated to their sport and I see them working hard every day on the lower field. They are always very loud and have nonstop communication during their practices. While I am helping the middle school softball team, I hear the soccer team doing drills and practicing out past the softball field fence. I will observe their practice from the softball field and I won’t be disturbing their practice. I will observe them 2-3 times next week after school, September 20, 21, and 22 from 4:30 to 5:00. Soccer seems to be an intense sport and you have to be quick and in shape. All the running and coordination it takes to play the game is unimaginable to me and I would like to learn how these girls are able to do it. Soccer is also a team sport. I want to observe how the girls work together and their interactions that make them successful.
    I think this subculture would be interesting because they are so dedicated to this sport. I want to observe them working together as a team. I would also like to know how they push themselves through the hard work, why they love soccer so much, and what makes them successful? What exactly are they saying during their practice? Why is communication so important? Who are the leaders on the team? How loud can they be?

  5. The Subculture that I am studying is the Barber Family. There are four members living at home, Mrs. Barber, Mr. Barber, Katy Beth and her older brother, Andrew. They meet in the morning before school and after school for dinner and homework time. I am planning on observing this subculture between September 20th and 23rd. I have my parent’s complete and total permission to observe this subculture, and I also have permission from Katy Beth Barber. Some questions that I am hoping to answer are; Do the Barber have their own language and, if so, how often do they speak it, Do they every seem to gang up against one member of the family in arguments, Are they a loud or quiet family at home, How do Katy Beth and her brother interact, How do the kids interact with their parents, and What are things they do every day.

  6. The subculture I have chosen to observe is the Men's Manker Patten Tennis League, which my dad is a part of. This group of men meets every Tuesday night at Manker Patten Tennis Club in order to sharpen up their tennis skills. They seem very interesting because throughout the days following each Tuesday night, I hear my dad laughing and joking about their topics of discussion. It’s a men only clinic, so going to an all-girl school, it'll be interesting to know what it's like when only men interact with each other and what they talk about. I have permission from my dad to sit on the sidelines observing their interaction between each other while they practice, and I will do this Tuesday evenings on the 21st and 28th of September from 5:30 to 7:30. During this study, some of the questions I want figured out is what main topics are talked about (news, politics, family), how their discussions differ from those of women, what is said about their wives and children when they aren’t around, what their sense of humor is like, what their day consists of while I’m at school, are there any cliques within this group and how their interaction compares and contrasts with how women interact.

  7. The subculture I have decided to observe for this assignment is the sixth grade girl’s D-group. D-groups are groups of the same sex in the same grades that meet from 7:00-7:30 every Wednesday night at Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church. Here, the girls can be themselves and talk about personal problems with confidence and trust in their peers. This past Wednesday and next Wednesday, September 15th and 22nd, I will be observing these girls in their natural “habitat” from 7:00 to 7:30. They seem so precious and cute and usually do not speak up when they are commingled with the older teenagers, so no one knows their personalities. These girls are the youngest D-group at the church and I am curious to see their true colors; Are they shy? What do they know of God? How do they react with the girls from opposing schools? In advance, I have already asked my parents along with Callie, Laura, and Nikki, the leaders, if it would be alright if I attended their meetings and they were thrilled to have me join. Laura specifically said to ask the group many insightful questions so they could have an older girl to look up to and cling to for help. After thinking, some questions to ask them and myself are; Are they scared to be meeting new girls and boys? What is the common age? Are they savage animals? How do they dress daily versus at youth? I am so excited for this assignment and by the end of my observations I hope the girls can feel comfortable enough to talk to me outside of D-group and to give me a better understanding of younger girls.

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  9. Have you ever been to a GPS play or other production and wondered what was behind the curtains making this magical setting? Well I have and that's why I have decided to make my subculture the GPS Techies. The Techies are a group of young girls within the GPS community that help out during every assembly, play, or other presentation at GPS. I have spoken with Mrs. Bolden and a fabulous member of the Tech Club and they both think it sounds like a marvelous idea! My mom said she is okay with it, but I won't need any help because the Techies meet everyday during assembly,where I can observe them a couple of times. Occasionally, they have meetings on Mondays, but only when they have a bad assembly, which isn't too often. I can't wait to observe this subculture because I havent't ever really hung out with anyone in the Tech Club and ultimately I just want to know how they live and how each of them interact with each other and how they run it behind the stage. I will hopefully make some new friends and get to see assembly from a whole new angle. I literally want to go "behind the scenes".

  10. My subculture is my hair salon. I want to observe this subculture because it seems like on television, the hair place is ALWAYS gossip heaven. I know they talk all the time to not only the customers, but each other. I want to know if any of what they talk about is vital information or just hear-say gossip. I have made plans to observe this subculture next Saturday, and the next Saturday. And if needed, I can go any Tuesday or Thursday for two hours (From 9AM to 11AM). The hair salon is open Saturdays, Thursdays, and Tuesdays. My parents fully support me observing this subculture. I also have permission from three stylists. I would really like to know if the stylists at this specific hair salon generally bring up family, or don't allow business and family life to intertwine. Also, I would like to know if they share their dyes and scissors, etc. I also think it would be interesting to know what really happens when they go to the back. Does it really take as long as it does to simply fix dyes/ perms/ bleaches, or are they in the back taking a miniature break? Also, do they dress similar behind their aprons, or do they all display their own styles. Also do they have more than cutting hair in common (do they have other similar interests?) Another thing that I would find intriguing, is to know if they cut their own hair, or cut each others' hair, or go to a completely different salon.

  11. The subculture I have chosen is a group of card players. This subculture consists of four people in my family that share the same hobby. I chose to observe them because the people in my class thought it would be cool and to see how my family interact with each other when playing a "sport". They meet once a week every Thursday at my grandparents house for about two hours. I plan on observing them the next three Thursdays. I am always down there with them when they play and my dad and papito told me that I can observe them. The questions I would ask them is does this help them grow closer, do they get in fights, why do they never change teams, why is it always the same people, can they read each other, is this how they relax, and when did they first start meeting.

  12. I chose the Gps fall play of high school girls and boys from Gps and McCallie. I chose this group because my friends say that it is so much fun so I wanted to see what they were talking about. they meet in the Frierson theater at Gps everyday after school. I plan to observe them after school. my parents said that I can go observe. The questions that I want to answer by observing are what do they talk about when on the side while waiting for their scene to come up, how do they interact with each other and the teachers, what do the costumes look like, how do they talk when saying their lines, what are the people like, and what kind of food do they eat during practice?

  13. For my subculture project, I am going to observe my mother and her five other friends. They call their group the "sexy 6". These six women have been best friends forever. It all started when they sang in the back row of the choir and ever sense they have been inseparable. They are six crazy people that everyone loves! I think observing them will be very interesting because they are so funny. I am going to observe them Saturday the 25th of September and Saturday the 2nd of October. My mom has given me permission to observe them during these two days. During this study, I want to find out how they have stayed friends this long. Also, what do they talk about or do they talk about their husbands. Do they talk about their kids? Do they make fun of other people? Do they ever get annoyed with each other? These are just a few things I would love to find out!

  14. I have chosen the Dalton Dance Company 1. Currently it consists of 15 juniors and seniors in high school. They are in there by audition only and are very well respected by the other companies and the younger dancers not in company yet because they are the "big girls in tutus" and set a great example for them.They have most opportunities to perform solos in Nutcracker & choreograph dances for the annual March Concert. I have chosen them because I also dance and hope to be a "one" next year. They have classes every Monday night from 6:30 to 9:00 for ballet class and piece rehearsal and Wednesday nights from 6:00 to 9:00 for ballet tap and jazz classes. They are also allowed to take and or make up classes with the younger companies and sometimes have to have extra rehearsals and things before shows. Company is a big commitment and company 1 is the biggest, and so a few questions i will ask are...
    Why are they all so dedicated? Have they always danced with the company and Mrs. Long? Do they participate in summer study? Do they plan on choreographing for March? Do they hang out outside of dance? Do they have a certain food that they like to eat before a performance to help the nerves? Do they have any special company things they do? (like prayer circles before 2nd act, inside jokes, ect.) do they think of themselves as a sorority, a sisterhood of girls working together for a common goal, or are they just there to dance, or for and extracurricular activity? Do they participate in other school activities? (sport, club, music, ect.) do they all go to the same school or/and church?

  15. For my subculture I will be observing , the Chattanooga Roller Derby Girls. I became aware of this group from a friend who's daughter introduced me to this organization. I was intrigued by how she described the way they dressed, what they did, and how the group had begun to flourish, and was curious to learn about them. I didn't know what the sport was about, but my mom remembered watching it as a young teenager, and described how she remembered it. My mom's description of rough and tough women, of women slinging each other around and beating each other up was odd to me, so I think it will be interesting to find out more about them. I found there website online, and they appear to be a very organized group. This past Summer, me and a friend decided to attend a roller derby match and see what it was all about. There is no doubt this group of women is unique. I have contacted one of the founding members of the Chattanooga Roller Derby Girls, Laura Lundy, AKA Llama Trauma, and will be attending one of there regular practices on Monday at the Chattanooga Skate Park from 6- 9, my parents have also approved of it. Some of the questions that I hope to be answered by the end of this assignment are: What made them want to be a roller derby girl? What kind of jobs do they have outside of the Roller Derby world? How do they interact outside of the Roller Derby practices and events? Do they do certain things during practice every time? How do they come up with their clever names? Do they have different individual personalities? Has anyone had a roller skating/ ice skating background?

  16. The subculture I have chosen to observe for the next few weeks is my four and five year old cousins' dance class. They are a group of about ten girls between the ages of 4 and 5 in the "Combined 2" class. My reason for choosing this subculture is because my cousins are always fun to observe when they interact with each other and I find it interesting observing young children's actions, especially girly girls who are interested in dance. This group meets at Karen Horton School of Dance on Hixson Pike near Lupton Drive every Monday at 5:30 for about an hour. I will be observing them Monday, September 20 at 5:30, Monday, September 27 at 5:30, and Monday, October 4 at 5:30. My parents have approved this choice and will be taking me every Monday to observe. We have called the dance instructor to make sure it is okay that I observe the class. The questions that I have made my goal to answer by the end of observing this class are: How do they girls interact with each other? Are there cliques of girls at this young of an age? Why did the girls want to take dance? Is there something specific the girls have to wear every time they attend the dance class? How long have the girls been taking the class? How do the girls treat the teacher/interact with the teacher? How many girls are there? Is there a certain schedule/routine they go by each week? Do they learn a different thing every week or do they master the same thing every week? How are they taught? What are the different things they learn each week, if they do learn different types of dance? Observing this group should be very entertaining and I am looking forward to watching these fun young girls.

  17. For my subculture I chose my mother’s sorority. She is a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, specifically the Phi Omega chapter. This sorority was founded in 1908 and is primarily populated by African-American women but all races are welcome. The goal of the sorority is to help improve the community with their service projects. I choose this subculture because I would get to observe this group the most during the next couple of weeks. I am participating in Fashionetta 2010, which is a scholarship project created in 1953. I have permission to observe the weekly Friday meetings as well as the weekend events for the debutantes, like myself. I would ask the Soros about the history of their sorority, like where it was founded and by whom. I would also asked; How can you become a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, What kind of community service projects do you do, What made the founders choose apple green and salmon as the sorority’s colors, How many chapters are a part of the sorority, Why do all AKA’s wear pearls to certain sorority events, and What is the sorority looking for in pledges.

  18. For my subculture, I would like to focus on the social interactions between B Period Spanish students in Sr. Akers class. I think this would be interesting because one, it involves a different language and two, it’s working with an atmosphere of students I have not been with this year. I would be able to sit in on this class during B period any day but Wednesday because they do not meet. I plan to go in on Tuesday’s at 10:25 and observe for the entire class period. Seeing the different reactions and comments made to confusion about a phrase or word, or excitement about a grade would be interesting. I know who these girls are, yet, I do not know them in Spanish class. Also, seeing the student/teacher communication aside from class lecture will differ between students. There are several questions that intriguing me: Are you capable to tell who pays attention? Does the topic of learning have anything to do with the focus? Does the teacher ever have good days or bad days? What about the class gets the students excited? Any class clowns? I want to be able to observe the different attitudes from outside the class looking in. Permission has been granted by SeƱor Akers. I can observe the class as much as possible for 50 minutes a day. This should be a different type of subculture to observe considering it deals with a different culture as well.

  19. The subculture that I have chosen is the group of salesmen at my dad's office. It's composed of about four men that work at the front counter of a lumber company. I chose this subculture because they have been working together for several years and have created many inside jokes and sayings. They also are very humorous people and have become pretty close over the years, making them an interesting group to observe. They work together every weekday from 7:30am to 5:00pm at the East Chattanooga Lumber and Supply Co. I will be observing them after the office is closed to customers and they are about an hour from closing time. September 23th and 30th from 4:00pm-5:00pm is when I will go to the office. I have received permission to watch this group from my dad and members of the group. Some of the questions that I have about my subculture are: What are some of the traditions that they have? Are the any changes in attitude as it gets closer to closing time? Are all of the employees treated the same? What conversations do they have outside of work-related topics? Who makes sure that everyone is on task and productive? What traditions/habits do they unknowingly have? What activities do they do outside of work together?

  20. The subculture I have chosen for this assignment is the group of kids that my mom helps tutor at church. There are about twenty-six kids and they are all from Hixson Elementary School. On Tuesdays and Thursdays of every week, the kids meet after school from 3:30 to 5:30 at Hixson Presbyterian Church. The main reason that these kids are tutored is because their parents do not speak English very well, so they cannot help them with their homework. This subculture is interesting to me because I love kids and my mom always talks about how great the kids at the church are, so I thought that it would be fun to observe them. The tutors at the church are loving and nurturing volunteers that love working with these kids. My goal is to observe the kids at least four times from 3:30 to 5:30. On September 28th and September 30th. I have obtained permission to observe them by the director of the program and by my own parents. The questions that I would like to answer are what do they learn in their small group time? How do the kids interact with each other? How do they interact with their tutors? How many kids are there and how old/what grade are they (in)? Do they have a certain schedule every day? How do their tutors teach them/help them learn? Are the kids shy or entertaining and energetic?

  21. The subculture I chose to describe is a group of friends at Mccallie. They are in 10th grade and call themselves "the goon squad". They are basically brothers and all live on Lookout Mountain or stay with the true goons a lot. The goons are interesting because they always have some sort of drama going on and they're really funny. I observe this group every weekend from about 1 or 3 to 11 and sometimes on a school day for a brief time. I have permission by the goons and my parents to observe this group at these times. The questions I have for the goons are: how they interact with each other? how do they solve they're problems? what do they do in they're spare time? what is the drama going on? how do you become a "goon"? what do they talk about? what locations do they usually meet?

  22. The subculture that I picked was the babies at Little Cottage of Learning. I chose this subculture because the babies are so adorable and I think it would be fun to observe them. The babies can’t really talk but they make noise, laugh, and cry. Some of the babies can cry, while others can’t. They have been around each other pretty much every day since they’ve been born; and so they interact with each other. I plan to observe this group from outside of the room, because if I go in there they will want to be picked up and held or played with. That would be my interaction with them, and not interaction with each other. I plan on observing the babies on September 25 and October 2. I have permission to observe the babies and my mom and I have also talked about when I can observe and what times. One of my questions is how do they interact considering that they can’t use words to communicate. Another question I have is do they really recognize each other or would they crawl to anyone their size. Do the noises that they make have anything to do with each other or is that just them learning? Do they recognize each other’s noises?

  23. A subculture, defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is an ethnic, regional, economic, or social group exhibiting characteristic patterns of behavior sufficient to distinguish it from others within an embracing culture or society. The lunch ladies of Girls Preparatory School spend their whole day preparing food and cleaning up after lunch is served. They get one 30 minute break after lunch. These ladies each have specific jobs in the cafeteria. They all have to wear the same uniform. I was interested in them because the only I see them working. I wanted to know how they act beyond working. Are they friendly with each other? Are they split up into groups? Does one do more work than the others? Who is the loudest one? Do they talk about their personal problems? Do they complain about the work that has to be done? Are they close like sisters? Is a 30 minute break enough? I will be observing this group of ladies during their 30 minute break on Monday and Wednesday during F period. I will try to answer the questions that I have tried came up with. I have received permission from Mr. Goetz and Ms. Angela to come to the cafeteria and observe.

  24. The subculture I have chosen is the group of pre-k kids that habitually attend the daycare at First Cumberland Presbyterian Church. This particular group of about eleven kids meets every day from 7:30 am to about 6:00 pm where these four year-old kids learn and express themselves through creativity. I confirm that I have at least three times that I am going to observe. I am going to observe these children in the subculture this Thursday, Friday, and next Monday. My grandmother also confirmed that I have permission to observe since she is the daycare director.
    This subculture would be an easy subject that would be filled with colorful descriptions of the secret life of 3-5 year-olds. I am excited about observing and writing about this subculture because it will be interesting to see how these very young children communicate with each other. Also I am interested in what games they play, if they have cliques, and what they learn about. Children intrigue me because they have their own language and they each strive to be different from one another yet still “fit in”.

  25. For my subculture I have chosen the senior level 3 team at RAH! Spirit Cheerleading. This group includes about 13 girls and 12 boys. They meet every Sunday from 7-9pm and every Wednesday from 6:30-8pm. My practice on Wednesdays ends at 6:30 so it is very easy for me to stay and observe them. Anyone s allowed to watch practices so I have permission to observe them.
    Since cheerleading routines have so much going on at one time I will have a lot to observe and describe. I will also be able to watch this team and not interfere with there practice at all. I can observes if there are any friend groups on the team and how everyone interacts all together. How the coach works with the team will also be something i look at.

  26. For my subculture I chose S.G.A (student government at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga), because my sister is in it I have heard some very intriguing stories of their interactions. They are every Wednesday, after volleyball practice, at 6:00, so I am able to be on time to observe the entire meeting.I will be observing them twice during this project.There are 15 people, including 8 boys and 7 girls. I am excited to see how students interact when given such a prestigious job at the University. I am also interested in seeing how my sister (secretary) handles her position.

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